Upcoming Workshops and Events

Designing Virtual Teambuilding Workshops

Designing Virtual Teambuilding Workshop

Oct. 12-13, 2021 | 1pm – 4:30pm


Part 1. Designing a Virtual Teambuilding Course

  1. Introduction: Why a Pandemic Shouldn’t Stop Teambuilding
  2. Content Design: From Bonding to Complex Problem Solving
  3. Envisioning an All-Virtual Teambuilding Program: Creating a Blueprint
  4. Assessing Technical Capacity: Musts and Bare Minimums
  5. Elements of Engagement
  6. Designing Virtual Activities  

Part 2. Facilitating a Virtual Teambuilding Course

  1. Running a Workshop That Challenges and Engages
  2. Innovative Approaches to Teambuilding Conduct
  3. Facilitation Methodology:  The Learning Perspectives
  4. Connecting Learning to Real Time Practices
  5. Evaluation Metrics for Virtual Building 
  6. Program Support for Teambuilding Sustainability

The Safely Distanced Modern Business Communicator

Oct. 25-26, 2021 | 1pm – 430pm


Part 1. Writing Your Way Into Success

  1. Introduction: The Impact of the Pandemic in Business Communication
  2. Only the Essentials: From Grammar to Sentence Construction
  3. The Concise Communicator: Tips on Getting Straight to the Point Effectively
  4. Social Media: What Matters and the Magic of Influence and Impactful Writing  
  5. The e-Mails of Today: Standing Out In the Avalanche
  6. Effective Writing Metrics: Elevate Your Standards



Part 2. Speaking Your Way Into Opportunities

  1. The Speaking Framework
  2. Tactfulness and Sensitivity: The Main Drivers of Verbal Communication
  3. Unboxing the Ideal Verbal Communicator
  4. Mastering the Virtual Space
  5. Elements of Voice
  6. When Speaking Less Means More


Fixing a Broken Team

Fixing a Broken Team

Nov. 9-10, 2021 | 1pm – 430pm


Part 1. Understanding the New Team Dynamics

  1. Introduction: Emerging Team Dynamics Post Pandemics
  2. The Team Needs Checklist
  3. Indicators of a Broken Team
  4. Quick Fixes: How to Stop ‘Team Wounds’ from Getting Worse
  5. Two-Way Communication:  Leaders and Members Meeting Halfway
  6. Assessing Team Demands and Urgencies

Part 2. Team Strengthening Framework

  1. Reviewing Team Roles in a Crises
  2. Managing Team Discipline in an Environment That Seeks Compassion
  3. Top 5 Strategies in Checking a Distanced Team’s Pulses
  4. Sustainable Framework for Team Dynamics Beyond the Pandemic
  5. Psychological Team Wounds: Lookout Points
  6. Assessing Team Metrics and Success Barometers