Learning & Development

Learning & Development Goes Virtual:

The pandemic has completely upended life as we know it. While the end of the global health crisis is not yet in sight, L&D has to help accelerate learning as strategies are being re-written, jobs are being redesigned, and re-skilling becomes a priority. Virtual Learning is not new and has been around for years already. But its importance, timeliness and effectiveness have never been tested before in such a grand scale. Can it finally deliver?

IdeasCentral has made the shift to virtual learning with a host of new and highly engaging programs covering such in demand topics as The Pursuit of the New Normal, Virtual L&D Redesigned, The New Leadership Playbook, Crises-Proofing Teams, among others. Allow us to make your team’s virtual learning a totally different experience from the get-go. We tailor-fit based on your goals and team profile. There’s a whole new ‘game’ out there and we need to have the masterplan, the tools and the right programs to play this strategically, creatively and successfully.

learning and development

“IdeasCentral as a training provider is known to be a master of several trades all rolled into one. This company has a sincere appreciation of their craft, backed by experienced and knowledgeable staff coupled with their creative techniques. With a host of training providers in the global market nowadays, the key is to be able to differentiate from the crop – IdeasCentral is indeed a cut above the rest; passionate about what they do thus igniting the passion of others. This is truly one company who knows their target audience and will always strive an effort to engage with their industry.”

– Vera-Cristina Villamor, Admin/HR Manager and Corporate Secretary, AM Swiss Microtec Inc.