
Mr. Eachts Arday

work anywhere

A Pause For Self Care

The concept of Self-Care is as important in HR as in any given situation. You simply can’t effectively help others if you yourself are not well enough or if you do not take care of yourself first. Together with Mindfulness, HR practitioners should always take meaningful time to prepare themselves now.
a. Ponder. It’s that defining moment to think and re-assess before one makes a decision. It is very important not to be caught in the whirlwind of activities that constantly propels you towards various directions without assessing which is the best way to go.

b. Acknowledge your fears. When people look up to you to always make sound decisions especially those that impact the way situations go, anxiety abounds. This feeling is worsened by self doubt. Yet it’s perfectly okay to admit your vulnerabilities.

c. Unify thoughts with actions. It’s common for us to wear that Little Mr/Ms Sunshine mask when facing our stakeholders. You say self affirmations such as “I’m okay,” “I’m perfectly fine,” and “I’m doing well,” yet you’re banging folders on tables, looking distraught and furious. Our own actions betray what we say.

d. Set your limits. It’s easy to forget the boundaries of time in the name of service. Technology has made it worse when one gets connected 24/7. Just a few months back, the buzz phrase was ‘work-life blend.’ With the extended lockdowns, it’s back to ‘work-life boundary’ as we need to really draw the line between how work becomes easily intrusive especially for those working from home.

e. Express yourself clearly. A very crucial step in self care is the ability to express one’s self in words and ways that take away the ambiguity and guesswork. Brené Brown sums it up very succinctly: “Clarity is kind.”

Ⓒ 2020 by Jovenir F. Bataican

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I found my HR playbook…a must have! When in doubt, go find Mr. Eachts Arday and you’ll get back to your fighting form!”

– Hermie Go, Risk Management Advisor, SAVP, AON

Truly compelling. Arguably a study book when it comes to HR.”

– Mitchelini ‘Tsai’ Ricote, HR Manager, Virginia Farms, Inc.

(The book) is for everyone. More so for employees for them to see the value of HR.”

– Joe Ada, Chief Operating Officer, Global OfficeWorks

This is a very GOOD book not only for HR but for business leaders who want to succeed with their workplace relationships.”

– Julia Robillos, Certified Master Personal Brand Strategist

This book is your practical HR and leadership guide to survive the disruptive social changes and digital transformation challenges of the new normal and beyond.”

– Virgilio ‘Bong’ Dureza, Consultant, Contact Centers

Sincere and personal. A catalyst for leaders to take action in advancing people development.”

– Eliz Kristen Terania, Logistics – FG Warehouse & Operations Manager, Virginia Food, Inc.

The most relevant HR guidebook today!

– Liza Kristine Suarez, HR Manager, Maayo Group

“Change before we have to…even if you have to reset, this is just classic and still true.

– Michael M. Godinez, Chief People Officer, RAFI

Finally read something relatable as a BPO manager.”

– Arman Gines, Associate Manager, Accenture